Salvatore Saffioti to head the Legal Department.
Attorney Salvatore Saffioti officially takes over the Legal Department, thus inaugurating a new phase of strengthening and growth.
“The arrival of Attorney Saffioti represents a crucial moment for our company,” said Monica Accetto, General Manager of Master Group. “This figure will not only guarantee the protection of the company itself, but will be a point of reference for all legal matters, including the aspects of protection and support of our consumers. It is a strong signal of our commitment to transparency, security and trust that we want to continue to transmit to our customers and partners. His extraordinary professional preparation, combined with a rare human depth, makes this choice perfectly in line with the principles that guide every one of our decisions. At Master Group we firmly believe that the human qualities of people make the difference, and Salvatore represents the perfect example of this value.” Attorney Saffioti, who boasts solid experience in corporate and commercial law, commented on the new appointment as follows: "I am honored to hold such a prestigious role in a leading company in the tourism sector and which has a vision that quickly aims at the search for beauty and the future. This is demonstrated by the foresight with which it also approaches the new frontiers that the legislator places before it and the clear contractual needs and tending to comparison with the entire sector and the supply chain. Wanting to paraphrase a Latin maxim that we lawyers are fond of "Dormientibus leges (vei iura) non succurrunt", Master Group is not dormant at all, it is instead vigilant and attentive and the law feeds on this. In this context, my happiness and pride in being part of this constant research fits in."
This announcement is only the first piece of a year that promises to be full of news, changes and ambitions. As anticipated in recent months, another important appointment will soon be revealed, the arrival of a new figure at the head of the Commercial Department, further confirming the development strategy pursued by the company.